How does it work? In a nutshell, it basically emulates human prey by burning propane and creating CO2 and using the attractant. The female mosquitos are attracted to the unit where they are sucked into a net and they dry out. By reducing the amount of female mosquitos available to lay eggs, you reduce the amount of eggs laid. This is why it’s important to keep the Magnet operating at all times.
Can I turn it off when I’m not using it? Not recommended although we do have the Executive model which allows for the unit to be turned off at particular times of day. The whole concept is mosquito population reduction so we need to keep the unit supplied with gas and attractant throughout the season so it can continually kill female mosquitos.
How long does a 20 pound cylinder of propane last? About 21 days
How much area do they treat? Both the Executive and the Independence treat one acre; the Patriot under one acre.
What is the difference between the Magnets? The Executive comes with a rechargeable battery pack, while the Independence needs 4-“C” cell batteries. Executive has LCD screen to tell you if the unit is running and allows different mode settings to turn the unit off during the middle of the day and middle of the night, times when mosquito researchers have found mosquitos to be less active.
Can Home Gas provide parts and service for the Mosquito Magnets? Yes, we can. We have agreed with the Caribbean supplier to do most basic repairs such as thermistor replacement, pc board replacement etc.
How long does the battery pack last? Depends on how often it goes through the start-up cycle. On the executive, you may need to charge more often if you use the mode feature which turns the unit on-off during the day. On the Independence, it depends on the battery you replace it with (quality of battery).